Despite the many options available in flooring such as vinyl, tile, laminate, and wood, available, carpets remain as a popular choice. According to services providing carpet cleaning in Hamilton Hill, there are many reasons for people to choose carpets as its flooring base. 

Carpets provide comfort, warmth, and softness and requires less maintenance. Here are ten carpet cleaning tips recommended by services providing carpet cleaning in Karakatta.

Ten Carpet Cleaning Tips

  1. Always blot stains and never tub them.
  2. Use vinegar and club soda to remove beer and wine stains.
  3. Use shaving cream to remove general stains.
  4. Use grease cutting dish soap to clean grease on carpets.
  5. Use ice cubes and chewing gum to small stained spots on carpets.
  6. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean blood stains.
  7. Heat hardened wax to clean carpets.
  8. Comb out crushed candy to keep your carpet clean.
  9.  Use organic cleaners to clean pet accidents from your carpet.
  10. Deep clean your carpets every six months using a steam cleaner.

Four Steps to Proper Carpet Care Recommended by Carpet Cleaning in Fremantle

  1. Vacuum your carpet regularly, especially in high traffic areas.
  2. Clean spots and stains as soon as they occur.
  3. Deep clean carpets using professional carpet cleaning in Fremantle South at least every 12 to 18 months.
  4. Stop dirt from accumulating in your carpet by taking your shoes off when entering the area.


Services providing carpet cleaning in Hilton says that keeping your carpets clean required a lot of effort and dedication. However, the results are amazing as you will be stepping on a clean and fresh carpet whenever you enter your home. So, it’s vital to keep your carpets clean at all times.

Phone: 0418 957 690

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