Perth Cottesloe Claremont Floor Tile Grout. Kitchens tiled with grout or coloured grout come with problems. People don’t usually consider this when choosing their tiles and grouts but soon learn how dirty grout can get. The tiles and grout fill up with dirt and grime in no time at all. These new stains change the whole look of your pristine kitchen. These stains are why we want to talk about tips on how to clean floor tile grout and make it beautiful again.

How to Clean Floor Tile Grout with Homemade Ingredients

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most fantastic grout cleaners around. How to clean floor tile grout without a professional would not be possible without it if you have severe stains.

For those of you who still want to try and clean grout on your own here is an alternative way. If there are holes or missing pieces of grout you will have to learn how to apply grout and apply it after the cleaning process. This process is another set of directions so, for now, let’s focus on cleaning tile and grout.

You are going to not only have to scrub the grout, but you also want those tiles shiny and clean. Let’s start with the cleaning solution. Get a spray bottle and INCLUDE 80% of the following:

  • 80% hydrogen peroxide
  • 20% warm water

Mix well. This mixture is one of the best non-professional grout cleaners around, and it’s available at your local pharmacy. Now spray your floor tiles and grout lines with the mixture and wait 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, go at them with a grout brush (or toothbrush) until they are sparkly clean. Rinse with hot water and consider using a grout sealer if you wish when thoroughly dry.

If that seems like too much, call us at 0418 957 690 or book an appointment online. We will be happy to answer any questions and go over pricing with you. Hiring a professional with professional equipment as we have here at Expert Carpet Cleaning is going to provide the best results.